Define Books Toward Die Wellenläufer (Wellenläufer-Trilogie #1)
Original Title: | Die Wellenläufer |
ISBN: | 3785548486 (ISBN13: 9783785548486) |
Edition Language: | German URL |
Series: | Wellenläufer-Trilogie #1 |
Kai Meyer
Hardcover | Pages: 384 pages Rating: 3.94 | 2442 Users | 111 Reviews
List Out Of Books Die Wellenläufer (Wellenläufer-Trilogie #1)
Title | : | Die Wellenläufer (Wellenläufer-Trilogie #1) |
Author | : | Kai Meyer |
Book Format | : | Hardcover |
Book Edition | : | First Edition |
Pages | : | Pages: 384 pages |
Published | : | June 1st 2003 by Loewe |
Categories | : | Fantasy. Young Adult. Adventure. Pirates. European Literature. German Literature |
Interpretation During Books Die Wellenläufer (Wellenläufer-Trilogie #1)
Ein magisches Beben erschüttert die Küsten der Karibik. Und in finsteren Piratenhäfen werden Kinder geboren, die über Wasser gehen können. Jahre später glaubt Jolly, dass außer ihr keine anderen Wellenläufer mehr am Leben sind. Bis sie Munk begegnet. Auch er versinkt nicht im Wasser – und kann aus Muscheln einen uralten Zauber beschwören. Ein rätselhafter Fremder, der Geisterhändler, schickt die beiden auf eine fantastische Reise. Gejagt von Klabautern, Ungeheuern und allen Seeräubern der karibischen See stellen sie sich einer tückischen Gefahr: dem Mahlstrom, einem dunklen Strudel, der die Barriere zwischen den Welten niederreißt.Der Roman spielt Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts unter den Piraten der Karibik. Die Heldin Jolly, ein 14-jähriges Seeräubermädchen, verfügt von Geburt an über ein besonderes Talent: Sie kann über Wasser gehen. Nach dem Untergang ihres Schiffes und dem Verlust ihrer Mannschaft findet sie neue Freunde: Munk, der sich auch die Kunst der Muschelmagie versteht, den Geisterhändler, der die Geister ertrunkener Seeleute als Sklaven verkauft, Buenaventure, ein Wesen halb Mensch, halb Hund. Doch die Gefährten haben einen mächtigen Feind – den Mahlstrom, einen meilenbreiten Strudel, der von einer teuflischen Intelligenz beseelt ist. Jollys Reise führt weit über die Karibik hinaus – geradewegs ins Mare Tenebrosum, die legendäre See der Finsternis.
Rating Out Of Books Die Wellenläufer (Wellenläufer-Trilogie #1)
Ratings: 3.94 From 2442 Users | 111 ReviewsCrit Out Of Books Die Wellenläufer (Wellenläufer-Trilogie #1)
3.5 stars. Bit cliché in certain parts, but I looooove it as a teenager and it's still really good. The audio book is read by Andreas Fröhlich, who is doing an incredible job, as per usual.what i like about this book is that it isn a story of a pirate life in you feel like if you are a pirate.It also talks how it feels to be a pirate and theres a story about pirates that went sailing. You would like this book if you like fiction books about pirates.If you want to see the book you could find it in a public libery.
I was really very excited to read this book, being a huge fan of "The Water Mirror" trilogy by Kai Meyer, but I was a bit disappointed. The characters in this book were a bit... underdeveloped and the plot had a lot of flaws and holes in it that made it a bit confusing. Obviously I was reading a translation but the writing style just wasn't as gripping as I remember his other books being. I'm also several years older than when I read it, so maybe this book wasn't as gripping because it was
I READ THIS BOOK OVER 10 YEARS AGO!It was so insane! I still tell people about a pirate book I read that was so trippy, it was about a bunch of special kids that can walk on waves, but it's complicated for them because, think about it, it's waves.Cool. Cool. I rated it a 4/5 I hope it's actually accurate considering I read the book ages + puberty ago.
An alternate history set during the Caribbean pirate days and mixed with a healthy dose of magic. The setting is interesting as are the characters. I like the author for setting up a pretty standard 'on the run' heroes journey and then throwing in plot twists or simply shaking up assumptions about the characters, their world and how they react to the events unfolding. I also liked the magical world building and how magic works and exists next to an otherwise historically accurate time period.
Have you ever thought about walking on water? This book Pirate's Curse has a couple of teens, Jolly and Munk, that walk on water. They're called Polliwogs. Jolly wants to find out if any of her pirate shipmates were able to escape from the sinking Skinny Maddy. Munk is driven to find out why his parents were killed. Together begins their sailing adventure with Ghost Trader,Captain Walker,Griffin,the stole away and Soledad, the pirate princess.This novel has adventure, romance , mystery and
I really liked it and on to the second book
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