Saturday, July 11, 2020

Free Download Books Die Eisfestung

Specify Books Toward Die Eisfestung

ISBN: 3570132684 (ISBN13: 9783570132685)
Free Download Books Die Eisfestung
Die Eisfestung Kindle Edition | Pages: 282 pages
Rating: 3.14 | 1027 Users | 116 Reviews

Identify About Books Die Eisfestung

Title:Die Eisfestung
Author:Jonathan Stroud
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 282 pages
Published: (first published October 1st 2006)
Categories:Young Adult. Fantasy. Fiction. Contemporary

Explanation During Books Die Eisfestung

Der knisternde Psychothriller des umjubelten Bartimäus-Starautors

Eigentlich wissen Emily und Simon so gut wie nichts über Marcus. Es war Zufall, dass sie einander auf dem gesperrten Burggelände begegneten; und es war nur eine fixe Idee, einzusteigen und in der Ruine zu übernachten. Einfach so, als kleiner Nervenkitzel inmitten öder Ferien. Doch Marcus verwandelt die Burg in eine Festung mit vereisten Treppen und bereit liegenden Wurfgeschossen. Emily und Simon sind bei ihm, als er schwört, nie mehr nach Hause zurückzugehen – die beiden machen sich ihren eigenen Reim auf die blauen Flecken in Marcus’ Gesicht. Währenddessen rücken sie draußen vor: zunächst nur Marcus’ Vater, dann der Burgwächter, Polizei, eine Sozialarbeiterin, Feuerwehr mit Gerät – die Belagerer, der FEIND, der Markus herausholen will! Was als übermütiges Spiel begann, schlägt still, heimlich und leise um in einen Albtraum.

• Atmosphärisch dicht, unglaublich fesselnd – Hochspannung, die den Atem verschlägt
• Mit Kartenmaterial der Burgruine

Rating About Books Die Eisfestung
Ratings: 3.14 From 1027 Users | 116 Reviews

Judge About Books Die Eisfestung
I attempted to read this but it was so tirelessly boring I couldn't finish it. I enjoyed the Bartimaeus Trilogy and although those books had their moments of flagging enthusiasm, they had rousing plots, the resolutions of which I looked forward to discovering. Halfway through The Last Siege I never had a clear understanding of what was at stake for the characters-- what was the plot? what was the conflict? why should I care? I really wanted to enjoy this book, but it just seemed to go on and on

This is a good book. It was a little slow getting into, but I was definitely hooked in the last 2 CDs. However, I was completely wrong about what I had thought the book would be as I went into it. I must have read the back cover of the book at least 10 times every time I considered reading it and then ended up with a different book. But I knew I wanted to read this one. I'm glad I did. But I'm thinking I would have enjoyed the book more if I hadn't kept expecting certain elements to come up that

I can't help worrying that Stroud spent all his humor and creativity on the Bartimeaus books. I want so bad to really enjoy his other work but it tends to leave me a little disappointed. This book had many fun and redeeming plot developments, but ultimately it crash landed in a pile of doo doo at the end. The story was about three early teens who end up sneaking into a castle and staying the night. It had some nice camping and ghost story qualities which I loved, but the characters were a little

A hauntingly atmospheric YA contemporary thriller, with interesting themes of trust, ownership, and the power of negative and positive determination. Very different from Strouds traditional work, featuring a nonstandard emotional resolution and vivid descriptions of beauty and tension, this book keeps you hanging the entire way through.

This was a good book in the young adult genre about a group kids or young adults (we are not given a definite age) who are thrown together by circumstance and then break into a castle and occupy it. Some interesting stories from the fertile and imaginative mind of one of them carry the story through until we get to the last siege itself - the young people against the authorities.The author is a talented and versatile writer and this is quite a different story from the Bartimeus books and

A disastrous failure from an otherwise reliable author. This had the distinctive feel of a rejected story which was somehow reanimated by the author himself or a desperate publisher. The story is weak and the style amateurish.

Maybe 3 1/2 stars really.I love Jonathan Stroud's writing but didn't find this story as compelling as other things I've read from him. The description of the castle and the portrayal of the children and their interactions were excellent and believable. The plot just felt somewhat lacking I guess. It felt more like a short story than a novel.The reader for the audiobook was also good, although I really hate when they translate from British English to American English and it was even more jarring


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