Friday, July 24, 2020

Books Smashwords Book Marketing Guide Free Download

Identify Books In Favor Of Smashwords Book Marketing Guide

Books Smashwords Book Marketing Guide  Free Download
Smashwords Book Marketing Guide Nook | Pages: 202 pages
Rating: 3.95 | 578 Users | 82 Reviews

Description Toward Books Smashwords Book Marketing Guide

As an avid reader, blogger, and Shelfari Librarians & Editors group member, I am often surprised how few of the tips in this e-guide have been followed by authors. Don’t just publish your book and hope that we will come. Help us find you.

I picked up "Smashwords Book Marketing Guide – How to Market any Book for Free" (Smashwords Guides) because it was free, short, and available for Kindle. [I am also a bit nosey.] This guide provides authors and publishers basic practical advice on how to market their books. The title is pretty clear. No bait-and-switch here.

Yes, this e-guide is a marketing tool for Smashwords. I think that it is a good way to get the word out about their services. Although I am not an author, I can see why people would use it. I have a couple of books from authors who used Smashwords and can see that they have put some of the tips to work. If you are curious about Smashwords, this guide is a good place to start.

Yes, you can get something out of reading it even if you don’t plan to use Smashwords. Yes, you can probably find similar tips all over the web. However, with this book, you don’t have to hunt them down. You get 30 solid tips (paired with comments from Coker’s PR perspective) all in one place for easy reference.

So, take 30 minutes to read the 39 pages and review your marketing plan. Do you have all of the relevant marketing tips covered? If it helps you tweak at least one area in your marketing mix, then it was worth the reading time and monetary investment (IT’S FREE PEOPLE – as of 5/21/12). If you are ahead of the curve and it is too basic for you, considering passing the book on to another author who could use the help. Consider it karma-worthy. Your thoughtfulness may come back to help you someday.

I am taking my own advice and making some updates to my marketing plan based on the "Smashwords Book Marketing Guide – How to Market any Book for Free". Sometimes it pays to be nosey.

Define Appertaining To Books Smashwords Book Marketing Guide

Title:Smashwords Book Marketing Guide
Author:Mark Coker
Book Format:Nook
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 202 pages
Published:December 22nd 2008 by Smashwords, Inc.
Categories:Nonfiction. Language. Writing. Business. Reference

Rating Appertaining To Books Smashwords Book Marketing Guide
Ratings: 3.95 From 578 Users | 82 Reviews

Article Appertaining To Books Smashwords Book Marketing Guide
Secrets of Ebook Publishing Success and Smashwords Book Marketing Guide, by Mark Coker. Both of these are free ebooks.Mark Coker is the founder and current head guy at Smashwords. He started Smashwords when he and his wife had written the book Boob Tube, butdespite obvious promisecould not get an editor interested enough to publish it. He is now very involved in indie-publishing promotion and education, the entire process of Smashwords (which has grown exponentially the last few years), with

As an avid reader, blogger, and Shelfari Librarians & Editors group member, I am often surprised how few of the tips in this e-guide have been followed by authors. Dont just publish your book and hope that we will come. Help us find you. I picked up "Smashwords Book Marketing Guide How to Market any Book for Free" (Smashwords Guides) because it was free, short, and available for Kindle. [I am also a bit nosey.] This guide provides authors and publishers basic practical advice on how to

Smashwords Book Marketing Guide has forty-one marketing tips on how to get your self-published book not only to market but promotion ideas too. It was an interesting read for any self-publishing author or for that matter for any author. With forty-one ideas it is bound to be useful to all authors to promote their books and stories. It is worth the short time it takes to read and keep for handy reference too.

A concise listing of tips and best practices that Coker has compiled as the founder of Solid ideas in a book that he updates and revises as needed to keep pace with ever-changing internet marketing for authors. A quick read that is worth an hour or two of your time.

I downloaded a free ebook back in November of 2015, but I didn't get around to reading it. I didn't know what Smashwords even was, but it was free and I needed all the help I could get with marketing my children's book. It was not until a fellow author introduced me to the coupons you can create on Smashwords that I decided to read this book. I think this book is very helpful to authors trying to promote their books. It is a basic book, would be most beneficial to newly published authors.

This is a great free and easy to read book about marketing your book written by Smashwords founder, Mark Coker. I have yet to publish my book, but am doing so soon, so am doing research to help with the marketing. Coker's book has lots of great tips, all of them free, about how to market your book. The first half of the book gives a bit of a history of self publishing and outlines what Smashwords does, how books are distributed. I have seen a lot of complaints that this book is just a big

If youre an indie author, an aspiring author, or a traditionally published author, youll find real value in this free Smashwords Book Marketing Guide. If youre a book publisher or a book marketer, youll also find some valuable book marketing ideas and insights.Coker, who has done more for indie authors around the world than anyone else Im aware of, serves up 65 book marketing ideas, all of them free, all of them no-nonsense, time-tested strategies. Sure, some of the tips favor Smashwords, the


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