Friday, July 17, 2020

Books Online Robe de marié Free Download

Books Online Robe de marié  Free Download
Robe de marié Paperback | Pages: 270 pages
Rating: 3.97 | 5986 Users | 955 Reviews

Define Containing Books Robe de marié

Title:Robe de marié
Author:Pierre Lemaitre
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 270 pages
Published:January 7th 2009 by Calmann-Lévy (first published 2009)
Categories:Thriller. Mystery. Crime. Fiction. Cultural. France. Suspense

Ilustration To Books Robe de marié

Évidemment, je m'y attendais puisque j'en suis l'auteur mais... à ce point-là! Quelle vision, c'est à peine croyable... Son mari n'est plus que l'ombre de lui-même. Les vertèbres ont dû être salement touchées. Il doit maintenant peser dans les quarante-cinq kilos. Il est tassé dans son fauteuil, sa tête est maintenue à peu près droite par une minerve. Son regard est vitreux, son teint jaune comme un coing. Et il est tout à fait conscient. Pour un intellectuel, ça doit être terrible. Quand on pense que ce type n'a pas trente ans, on est effaré... Quant à elle, elle pousse le fauteuil avec une abnégation admirable. Elle est calme, son regard est droit. Je trouve sa démarche un peu mécanique mais il faut comprendre: cette fille a de gros soucis... En tout cas, elle ne tombe pas dans la vulgarité: pas d'attitude de bonne sœur ou d'infirmière martyre. Elle serre les dents et pousse le fauteuil, voilà tout. Elle doit pourtant réfléchir et se demander ce qu'elle va faire de ce légume. Moi aussi d'ailleurs.

List Books During Robe de marié

Original Title: Robe de marié
ISBN: 2702139752 (ISBN13: 9782702139752)
Edition Language: French

Rating Containing Books Robe de marié
Ratings: 3.97 From 5986 Users | 955 Reviews

Comment On Containing Books Robe de marié
After the death of the six year old boy that she is looking after and with no memory of what happened Sophie goes on the run.She gets herself a new identity and a new life with a man that she met online but Sophie is not the only one who is keeping secrets.To be honest when I first started reading this book I struggled to connect with the story and the Sophie character and gave up on the book but the other day I decided to give it a second chance.I admit that although I still found it difficult

This was a very dark psychological thriller with some tough scenes but an excellent twisty ending.

I really enjoyed this book and I will definitely be picking up other books by this author.

This is an extraordinary, dark and disturbing psychological thriller. It is a creepy and twisted story, focusing on the slowly disintegrating world of nanny, Sophie Duguet. She appears to be losing her mind, losing time, losing objects and behaving in inexplicable and bizarre ways. Arrested for shoplifting, she has no recollection of this. Oh, yes, and people are being murdered around her with the finger pointing to her as the perpetrator. In a blind panic, Sophie goes on the run in an attempt

Man i have never felt such anger after finishing a book. The ordeals that Sophie endures throughout this novel are totally exhausting. You feel for her, you really do. This is a nasty, in your face, piece of fiction, with one of the most evil antagonists ive come across. Yes you have to suspend your belief slightly at times and yes it does get slightly repetitive during the middle, but Lamaitre wants you to feel for Sophie and my God by the end you do. Ive read two books now by him and gave both

What a crazy, fascinating book this was! I should have realized, because this is Pierre Lemaitre, after all.First, we have Sophie. She is batsh*t crazy. She loses things, misplaces things, is exhausted but can't sleep, loses blocks of time. Eventually her life is totally in the gutter and she's lost everything. This section of the book totally confused me. I didn't know what the heck was going on, but I persevered.Second, we have Frantz. The further I read this section, the clearer things

This is a SOLID 4 star read and I'm adding 1 full star for this book was a great psychologically manipulative book. My head is still spinning from reading it! I have to say some of the things that go on here are a bit far fetched - but strange , weird and far fetched is what Pierre Lemaitre writing is all about ! You will get to meet Sophie. She is - well flipping going crazy and is crazy. She loses time, things, dates and happens to wake up at times finding dead bodies around her and having no


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